Goodbye Foosaner Art Museum!

The Eau Gallie Arts District had for many years been the home of the Foosaner Art Museum and Art Education Center. The Foosaner was run by the Florida Institute of Technology, and, while small, always had something worth seeing. There was usually one large exhibit occupying the main gallery spaces (although sometimes there were two smaller exhibits), and then there were frequently associated hands-on activities in another room.

For instance, once several years ago there was a really cool Pop-Art Exhibit, and the activity room, in addition to holding related art from the collection, contained a photo booth. The signal would go off, you would make faces with your loved one, and soon in your email came a digital reminder of your trip. (Unbeknownst to us, as we made our faces at the camera, we were being projected onto the large main wall of the museum hallway).

Unfortunately, due to Florida Institute of Technology budget decisions, both the Foosaner and the Funk Textile Museum have closed their doors permanently. The site of the Foosaner is supposedly slated to become a hotel. It might be a great place to stay due to the proximity of the many galleries and restaurants in the Eau Gallie Arts District.

Brevard needs more art in its cultural scene. The technology here is wonderful, the beaches are beautiful, but art is one of those things that feeds the soul of a community.

The Foosaner closed its doors permanently June 2021. I tried to keep the link to the website, hoping you could at least get a glimpse of past exhibitions, but even the website is defunct now. (C’mon, FIT, it literally costs like $15/year to keep a URL active. For the legacy!)

Goodbye, Foosaner! You will be missed.

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